from: http://pastoralmeanderings.blogspot.com/2013/11/liturgy-wars.html
With respect to the worship wars of Lutherans, personal preference is indeed the name of the game. The witness of the Confessions, the example of the Reformers and their earliest successors, the church orders of Lutheranism from the sixteenth century, and the practice of the Church of the Augsburg Confession have all become less important than what either the people in the pews or the people not in the pews or those leading worship desire. We have an anarchy of personal preference in which the particular desires, preferences, or style of one becomes papal in authority over the many.
Some would say that is exactly what I do as a Pastor working to restore the liturgy, manifest the full resources of our Lutheran liturgical tradition, respect the Confessional words and practice of our Church, and maintain an identity on Sunday morning which is consistent with what we believe, confess, and teach. I am accused even in this blog of playing pope to the detriment of the wishes of the people whom I serve. But I would maintain that I am not advancing personal preference or style but preserving the faithful tradition as a gardener tends the garden. What has happened, however, is that our practice has come so far from our Confession that when we restore that evangelical and catholic tradition, we are accused of Romanizing or of imposing personal preference over the preferences of the congregation.
Lets cover a few of the hot button items.
- Chanting is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther. That we forgot it for a time is our failing and not a virtue.
- Weekly Communion is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther.
- Full eucharistic vestments is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther.
- Liturgical integrity is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther.
- Kneeling is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther.
- Crossing oneself is not personal preference. It was and is the accepted practice of the Church before Luther and it was the customary tradition of Lutherans after Luther.
I know I will have stirred up a hornets nest here but I think these words need to be said. We are not Calvinists imposing something foreign to our tradition on Sunday morning. We are Lutherans acting like the Lutherans we say we are in our Confessions. If you like or dislike these things, well, you like or dislike them; to make conflicting and competing likes and dislikes papal pronouncements is to miss the forest for the trees. We do not do these things because we like them but because we are Lutheran. I write this only because I find it confusing and frustrating that our failure to be who we are on Sunday morning has become normal and trying to restore the integrity of our practice to the integrity of our Confessions has become the odd man out.
See more at: http://pastoralmeanderings.blogspot.com/#sthash.iIn3mXl5.dpuf