By Lee
Duigon, July 19, 2012,
Case in point:
the recently-concluded 13th Voices of Sophia chin-wag, in which an unspecified
number of self-described “passionate feminist/womanist/mujerista
justice-lovers”—or, more simply, idiots—got together to pat themselves on the
back for their success so far in destroying the churches that ordained them. (I
notice some of you scratching your heads over the term “mujerista.” It really
isn’t worth the effort.)
They will not
be able to destroy Christianity itself. The true Church, Christ’s people, will
always trickle through their fingers. The mainline/flatline denominations, the
usual suspects—the Presbyterian Church USA, the Episcopal Church, the
Evangelical Lutheran Church, big chunks of the United Methodist Church, and a
few others—are in the process of turning themselves into some religion other
than Christianity. They still call it Christianity, just as truthfully as the
Caesars called Rome a republic. But calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it
The Voices of
Sophia—“Sophia” is their “Goddess of Wisdom”—insist they’re not trashing the
Christian religion, but only “re-imagining” it. So let’s look at some of the
things they’ve imagined. We’ll use their own words, as reported in “The
Presbyterian Layman,” July 16.
• ”Dream the
vision, share the wisdom dwelling deep within.” Translation: Why bother with the
Bible, when you, yourself, already contain all the wisdom that you’ll ever need?
This is not so much feminism as it is “me-ism.”
• See “how
tenaciously some Christians cling to traditional norms and how ecstatically
others find release from them.” Whoopee! Throw away those stodgy old “norms,”
those Christian standards of faith and morality—and it’s party time!
• God is to be
“re-imagined by many names: Baker Woman God, Strong Mother God, Warm Father God,
She Who Is and Will Be,” yatta-yatta.
Question! If
God is whoever or whatever you imagine God to be, then who or what is
supreme—God, or your imagination?
We note in
passing how stilted, how dull, how predictable are these imaginings. Any
12-year-old who hasn’t done his homework can come up with more creative stuff
than this.
• ”Denouncing the
idea that Jesus was a substitutionary surrogate who had to die for our sins in
order to satisfy the demands of a patriarchal Father God.” Could someone please
explain to me what remains of Christianity if this, the heart and soul and
essence of it, is cast away?
• And of course
no consuming act of apostasy would be complete without this: “a large group of
women gathered on a stage and ‘came out’ as lesbians, prompting a standing
ovation and cheers from all who celebrated their liberating act of
truth-telling.” Hip-hip-hooray. I guess they’ve borrowed their doctrine from
Rasputin: “We must sin in order to be saved.” The only adjective that will
suffice for this dazzling display of flim-flam is “satanic.”
“The whole
world lieth in wickedness,” wrote the Apostle John (I John 5:19). In the
flatline churches where “re-imagining” has taken root, seminary-trained
mujerista preachers celebrate wickedness, and cultivate it as you would a garden
of exquisite flowers. People by the tens of thousands are stampeding out of
these churches. A few valiant souls remain in them, fighting a rear-guard action
to preserve their denominations’ allegiance to Christ the King. When they
finally leave, there will be no one left but heretics and fools.
And it’s all
covered by a fig-leaf of what is falsely advertised as “justice.” What is
justice, as the flatliners see it? Abortion. Same-sex pseudomarriage. The
destruction of Israel. The destruction of economic freedom. Massive government
intervention in our lives to combat the imaginary threat of Man-Made Global
Warming. (You can still say “man”-made if it’s something bad.) Coercive
redistribution of wealth. The abolition of God’s law.
None of this
is Christianity. It is a parasite religion which has usurped the name and
outward form of Christianity, and poisoned the soul of Christianity in those
churches where it reigns. In the name of Jesus Christ it makes war on God’s
Word: by which they blaspheme, taking Christ’s name in vain and using it to bear
false witness against Himself.
As the
Christians flee apostate churches, the flatline denominations will remain as
magnets for the misbegotten. As our civilization deteriorates, their membership
may stop declining and actually increase. We may even, some unblessed day,
inaugurate a president in the name of Baker Woman God.
Please pray
for that day never to occur.
© 2012 Lee Duigon - All Rights
Lee Duigon, a contributing editor with the Chalcedon Foundation, is a former newspaper reporter and editor, small businessman, teacher, and horror novelist. He has been married to his wife, Patricia, for 34 years. See his new fantasy/adventure novels, Bell Mountain and The Cellar Beneath the Cellar, available on
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