Thursday, November 26, 2015

Cabins like Shipping Containers

Funny Matrix

Happy Thanksgiving to those Deployed

Monday, November 16, 2015

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Crymobs, Crybullying, and the Left's Whney War on Free Speech

The left is a victimhood cult. It feeds off pain and fetishizes suffering as a moral commodity to be sold and resold in exchange for political power.

The cult’s credo is that its solutions to human suffering take precedence over freedom or democracy. It exploits suffering when it can and creates it where it can’t. Its social media has ushered in the Warholian era of victimhood where everyone can be a famously oversharing victim for 15 trending minutes.

Forget about meritocracy. This is the victimocracy.

The victimocracy’s foot soldier is the crybully. The crybully is the abuser who pretends to be a victim. His arguments are his feelings. He comes armored in identity politics entitlement and is always yelling about social justice or crying social justice tears.

If you don’t fight back, the crybully bullies you. If you fight back, the crybully cries and demands a safe space because you made him feel unsafe.

Lions form a pride, crows gather into a murder and crybullies cringe into a crymob. The crymob demands a safe space because free speech and dissent makes its crybullies feel very unsafe.

Crymobs will “safebait” by yelling and pushing and then whining that the people they’re shoving make them feel unsafe. One crybully safebaiting tactic is to yell loudly, forcing anyone talking back to them to raise their voice. That’s when other crybullies begin shouting, “Don’t yell at her.”

Crybullies will push into you and cry that you’re making them feel unsafe. They will hit you and when you raise your hands in self-defense, they will scream that you’re putting your hands on them. (All these safebaiting tactics and more can be seen in the Missouri video.)

Crybullies don’t think this behavior is dishonest because their pain privilege entitles them to tone police you, but you can’t tone police them. Their sweet social justice tears give them the right to yell at you, shove you or hit you. Crying over social justice gives them a license to bully everyone else.

If crybullies can’t safebait you, they will manufacture threats by faking hate crimes against themselves or phoning in bomb threats to validate their need for a safe space in which no one is allowed to disagree with them. Surviving their own fake crimes turns crybullies into social justice heroes.

It’s impossible to have a rational conversation with a crybully because it doesn’t want to talk to you; it wants to loudly broadcast its feelings. As one Yale crybully wrote, “I don’t want to debate. I want to talk about my pain.” My pain. Me. Stop arguing with me and start paying attention to me right now.

A crybully’s pain isn’t caused by poverty, disease or an elephant stepping on its toes. Instead it’s caused by the existence of other people who don’t take its ridiculous claims of suffering seriously.

Read more:

The re-Christianization of Russia


While Christianity in the West is increasingly marginalized and even persecuted, the Christian revival in Russia spearheaded by Vladimir Putin goes from strength to strength.

Thousands of the churches destroyed by the Bolsheviks have been rebuilt, church-going is on the rise – especially among the young – and laws to protect family values and tradition have been passed.

Vladimir Putin's Christian Faith - in his own words

Published on May 18, 2012
-Putin first speaks about his Baptism / -Putin's Faith and Cross 02:00
-Believes in traditional family 04:03
-Putin at a Christmas night service at the Church of Holy Martyrs Aleksandr and Antonina of Rome in the outskirts of Kostroma in Central Russia.04:49
-Patriarch Kirill blesses President Vladimir Putin 06:32
-Over 65,000 Russians defend the Church 08:02
-Putin's biker friends support the Church 10:52
-Putin's Russian faith knows about Christian Martyrs who were killed by the Communists 11:45
-These martyrs had overcome the BEAST 13:24 / Christ is Risen! 13:50

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Giant Momentum Street Bike 2016

Giant Momentum Street Bike 2016

For some, the bicycle is much more than a hobby or a tool of fitness. It’s a means of transportation, and integral part to day-to-day life. Whether it’s a grocery run or a commute to work, the Momentum Street offers a lightweight, comfortable, utilitarian bike that’s easy to maneuver and stable to ride. The Street sits you more upright and tall, offering heads-up visibility in busy areas. The classic city aesthetic is augmented by a kickstand, bell, rear rack, cup holder, and u-lock carrier. Unlike a car, the Momentum Street burns fat instead of fuel.
- Chainguard
- Kickstand
- Twist shifting
- Mounted cup holder
- Rack
- Bag Mounts
- Lock Carrier

FrameALUXX-grade aluminum with integrated rear carrier and cup holder, double diamond and mid-step options
ForkHigh Tensile Chromoly Steel
WheelsetGiant Alloy Double wall rims, Alloy 28h hubs, Stainless Steel 14g spokes
TiresKenda Kwick Roller, puncture protection, 700x32 (50 - 85 psi)
BrakesAlloy, Direct Pull
Brake LeversAlloy comfort
ShiftersShimano Revo, Twist
Front DerailleurN/A
Rear DerailleurShimano Tourney
CranksetAlloy, 42T
Bottom BracketSealed Cartridge
CassetteShimano TZ31 14x34, 7-speed
ChainZ51KMC Z51, Nickel Plated
PedalsAlloy/Anti-Slip Platform
HandlebarAlloy, Mid-Rise
StemAlloy quill
SaddleRiveted Retro-Classic Comfort, coil spring
SeatpostAlloy, 30.9mm
Note: Components are subject to change without notice.

Rider Height5'1" ~ 5'5"5'5" ~ 5'9"5'9" ~ 6'1"
Top Tube Length21.7"22.4"23.2"
Standover HeightDouble Diamond: 28.0" Mid-Step: 25.9"Double Diamond: 29.5" Mid-Step: 27.6"Double Diamond: 29.8" Mid-Step: 28.6"
Head Tube Length5.5"5.9"6.5"
Head Tube Angle71°71°71°
Seat Tube Angle73.5°73.0°72.0°
Chainstay Length17.1"17.1"17.1"

Friday, November 6, 2015

Islamowars Brewing

From Wild Bill's America: Jihadis of the Middle East are swarming into Europe, burning and looting as they go. Is the war to overrun Europe about to begin?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Bobby Jindal: ‘Immigration Without Assimilation Is an Invasion’

Republican Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a strong contender in Iowa who surpassed amnesty advocate Jeb Bush in support, tells Breitbart News Daily “immigration without assimilation is not immigration; it’s an invasion.”

Executive chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon asked Jindal why assimilation is so critically important for where we stand as a country. The U.S. must make sure what happening in Europe doesn’t happen in America, Jindal said.

“One of the things that America is so proud of is, and rightfully so, we have been this melting pot for so long. The Left doesn’t want that anymore. They want to call us a salad bowl. They think it is culturally arrogant, or xenophobic, to insist that people that want to come to America to assimilate, and that’s nonsense,” said Jindal. “The reality is, we don’t make anybody come here. Millions of people all over the world want to come here, and folks that don’t want to be Americans shouldn’t come. And the reality is, they shouldn’t come and use our freedoms to undermine freedoms for other people.”

“Let’s be really honest about this: Immigration without assimilation is not immigration; it’s an invasion,” he said. “When you look at what’s happening in Europe, you’ve got second and third generation immigrants that don’t consider themselves parts of those societies, those cultures, those values. We mustn’t let that happen here.”

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Feds Rule to Force High School Girls to Undress Next to Naked Boys Who Think They’re Girls

YouTube Screen Capture/Fraser Models and Actors
On Monday, the federal government declared itself fit for the madhouse by mandating that a Chicago high school allow a full biological male into the girls’ locker room for all purposes, including nudity. This biological male, the feds determined, was different because he thinks he is a female.

The feds have ruled that the presence of a twig-and-berries in the girls’ locker room has been mandated by Title IX of the Civil Rights Act. Yes, ladies and gents and non-cisgenders: it turns out that the battle against sexism enshrined in the ill-written Title IX was actually intended to force underage young women to look at the penises and testicles of mentally ill boys.


The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights spent almost two years checking out the Township High School District 211 because of the transgender “girl.” He filed a complaint with the feds in 2013 after the school refused “unrestricted access” to the girls’ locker room. The district eventually agreed to allow the boy into the girls’ room so long as he used a privacy curtain while disrobing.

That wasn’t good enough. The feds determined that this still constituted discrimination. Why? As John Knight, director of the alphabet-soup LGBT and AIDS Project at the ACLU, stated, this was “blatant discrimination.”

New study finds Antarctic Ice Growing

Snow that began piling up 10,000 years ago in Antarctica is adding enough ice to offset the increased losses due to thinning glaciers, according to a NASA study.

The latest findings appear to challenge other studies including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2013 report, which found that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

Law Makers Sound Alarm

Congressional lawmakers are raising alarm over the rapid collapse of several so-called ObamaCare "co-ops" -- government-backed alternative health plans -- that are failing, leaving tens of thousands of customers scrambling for coverage, and billions in taxpayer-funded startup loans at risk.

To date, nearly half of the 23 co-ops established under the Affordable Care Act have gone or are expected to go under by the end of the year. The latest to be barred from selling insurance on the official marketplace is in Arizona.

In a letter to the head of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Sens. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., pressed the Obama administration for answers on what is being done to address the crisis -- and recoup some of the federal taxpayer loan money that has gone to the failing start-ups.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori: An Heretical Piñata

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori: An Heretical Piñata


By David W. Virtue DD
October 28, 2015

Next week Katharine Jefferts Schori, the 26th Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, will be history.

For many it can't come too soon.

During her occupation as the titular head of the Episcopal Church for nine years, she uttered more heresies recorded by any sitting bishop, with the possible exception of John Shelby Spong and more recently Charles E. Bennison, Bishop of Pennsylvania, whose line that "Jesus was a sinner who forgave himself" might earn them both a place in the sixth circle (heresy) of Dante's nine circles of suffering located within the Earth.

But she did try hard and the Inferno might still be her reward.

Over the course of nine years, she variously denied the bodily resurrection of Jesus and the full deity of Christ, referred to Jesus as "mother Jesus" at one point, and said St. Paul should have listened to a demoniac girl for spiritual guidance.

She was the perfect ecclesiastical piñata.

Every time she uttered a heresy or two, I would whack her and the piñata would break open and more heresies would pour out of her. Her staff would patch her up again and on she would go.

One of her most memorable and public apostasies was the occasion at one general convention when she said that individual (personal) conversion (to Christ) was a western heresy and likened it to "work" rather than that of free grace. She has publicly said that Muslims do not need converting to Christ and that she would never tell them they do, and that Jews are saved under the first covenant. This got my attention, naturally, and I hit her hard. The piñata never stood a chance.

Her farewell speech this past week was a picture of subterfuge, lies and spin.

"I am deeply grateful for what God has been up to in the midst of our journey together."

That "journey" has cost the Episcopal Church a loss of nearly 200,000 ASA members and tens of millions of dollars in lawsuits for properties that the courts are now granting to those departing TEC. Her ultra-liberal, theologically-challenged credentials earned her the dubious title as the Church's first dictatorial female Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church who managed to alienate the entire Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church and most of its evangelicals. She is leaving a church in rapid decline with more than two-thirds of the church made up of women over 60. A third of TEC's rectors are women. None of the women priests and bishops have shown any ability to make the Church grow, preferring to sound off on the platitudes of social reform rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Her latest and last fiasco was to get yet another woman in a miter, which came to a crashing halt...literally. Heather Cook, the wannabee Suffragan Bishop of Maryland got seven years in jail this week for killing a cyclist while texting and for leaving the scene of an accident. Of course, the Church had to disown her, but it was further evidence that Jefferts Schori, who knew Cook had a drinking problem, did nothing to stop the consecration from going forward. Political correctness cost the life of a young man and crippled his family for life.

Fred Thompson, former US Senator, dead at 73

Fred Thomson, the former U.S. senator from Tennessee, Republican presidential candidate and “Law and Order” actor, died Sunday after a recurrence of lymphoma. He was 73.

Thompson’s family announced the news in a statement, which was published in The Tennessean.

“It is with a heavy heart and a deep sense of grief that we share the passing of our brother, husband, father, and grandfather who died peacefully in Nashville surrounded by his family,” the statement said.

It continued: "Fred once said that the experiences he had growing up in small-town Tennessee formed the prism through which he viewed the world and shaped the way he dealt with life. Fred stood on principle and common sense, and had a deep love for and connection with the people across Tennessee whom he had the privilege to serve in the United States Senate. He enjoyed a hearty laugh, a strong handshake, a good cigar, and a healthy dose of humility. Fred was the same man on the floor of the Senate, the movie studio, or the town square of Lawrenceburg, his home."

"Fred believed that the greatness of our nation was defined by the hard work, faith, and honesty of its people. He had an enduring belief in the exceptionalism of our country, and that America could provide the opportunity for any boy or girl, in any corner of our country, to succeed in life. "

Thompson, born in 1942, served in the senate from December 1994 to January 2003.